
Roasted Vegetable Pasta Sauce 

By Jamie Levato, Education Director

Roasted Vegetable Pasta Sauce
Adapted from
The Complete Book of Small Batch Preserving by Ellie Topp and Margaret Howard


*Makes: 3 ½ cups (875 mL)*

I love The Complete Book of Small Batch Preserving by Ellie Topp and Margaret Howard. It is packed with interesting and delicious recipes for preserving the harvest. This is a great recipe for using your garden or CSA share produce! It is tasty and easy. I am going to walk you through the steps and my modifications. PLEASE NOTE: This recipe is suitable for canning as written and should not be modified if you want to can it. That being said, the recipe does not make a lot of sauce so it is also great for just eating or freezing. Personally, I do not like to heat up the kitchen with the canner, unless I have a full load to process. When I tested this recipe, I made modifications and I decided to freeze it.

Skip down to the recipe.


Step One

On a lightly greased baking sheet place: tomatoes, garlic, onions, and pepper. Roast for 45 mins (or until soft and blistered) at 450° F in the oven. Remove the garlic after 12 to 15 mins.  Let cool.

Since tomatoes are all different sizes, I would suggest sticking with the 2.5 lbs of plum tomatoes. For me, that was 64 Juliet tomatoes from the PYO section at PFP. It is also about 8 of the Plum Regal tomatoes that have been in the “sauce pack” choice item at CSA pick up. I made the recipe twice, once with a combination of Juliets and some San Marzanos from my garden and another time just with Juliets. I used a red pepper one time and a yellow pepper the other time. Both worked well. In one batch, I used the 2 small onions that were called for, but in the other batch I used only one because it seemed like too much.


Step Two

Peel the skin off tomatoes; Sit a bowl underneath to catch the tomato juice. Squeeze out the soft parts of the onions and garlic cloves. Peel and  seed the pepper. Blend roasted ingredients in a food processor until smooth.

I found it easiest to peel the skin off the tomatoes while they were still in the pan so the pan would catch the juices. Next, I squeezed tender parts of the onions and garlic out of their papery skin and took care of the pepper. I like to save all vegetable scraps in a bag in the freezer to make stock with later. I put all the roasted ingredients into my food processor along with the pan drippings. Of course, I used my favorite kitchen tool, the rubber spatula, to get every last drop!

Step Three

Transfer the puree into a stainless steel or enamel saucepan. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring sauce to a boil on high. Lower heat and let boil uncovered for 15 mins or until texture is to your liking. Stir frequently.

After blending until smooth, I heated the puree in my stock pot with the remaining ingredients.I used oregano that I had harvested and dried from my garden. Because I had decided I would freeze the sauce, I only added half of the balsamic vinegar. If I were to do it again, I would omit the sugar because it was quite sweet with the sugar and only half of the balsamic since the pepper and onion and even the tomatoes add so much sweetness. You will notice that the final photo with the freezer tubs shows more than the 3.5 cups this recipe is supposed to make. I think this is the case for two reasons. 1. I mixed my two batches together; and 2. It was pretty thick so I did not cook it down for 15 minutes as suggested by the recipe.


Step Four

Preserve: Ladle into hot pint mason jars leaving ½ headspace and process in a boiling water bath for 35 min. Review the procedure for waterbath canning here.

If you are going to can this recipe, please remember to avoid modifying the recipe. I froze it by ladeling into tubs leaving space for it to expand, capping and labelling with the contents and the date. I also like to keep a note on the side of my refrigerator with all of the contents of the freezer listed so I know what I have.

When you are ready to serve, prepare your pasta or vegetable noodles and top with the sauce. You can also make it a pasta primavera by sauteing additional veggies like carrots, zucchini, and fennel and serving them on the side or tossed with the pasta. I hope you enjoy the recipe! Please share your suggestions, questions, and modifications in the comments below.


10 plum tomatoes, about 2 ½ lbs (unpeeled)
4 garlic cloves (unpeeled)2 small onions (unpeeled)
1 sweet red pepper
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp freshly chopped oregano (or 1 tsp dried)
1 tsp granulated sugar
1 tsp salt


  1. On a lightly greased baking sheet place: tomatoes, garlic, onions, and pepper. Roast for 45 mins (or until soft and blistered) at 450° F in the oven. Remove the garlic after 12 to 15 mins .  Let cool.

  2. Peel the skin off tomatoes; Sit a bowl underneath to catch the tomato juice. Squeeze out the soft parts of the onions and garlic cloves. Peel and  seed the pepper. Blend roasted ingredients in a food processor until smooth.

  3. Transfer the puree into a stainless steel or enamel saucepan. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring sauce to a boil on high. Lower heat and let boil uncovered for 15 mins or until texture is to your liking. Stir frequently.

  4. Preserve: Ladle into hot pint mason jars leaving ½ headspace and process in a boiling water bath for 35 min.

Make Italian Zoodle Spaghetti with SonyaJoy

serves 12


2 medium zucchini
3-4 fresh tomatoes
1 sweet onion
2 cloves garlic
1 small bunch basil
½ cup Italian cheese blend or parmesan
1 loaf crusty Italian bread
Salt and pepper to taste


Remove peel from the sweet onion, and cut into a medium dice.
Remove peel from garlic and mince or finely grate. In a medium pot, cook onion in a tablespoon of olive or any vegetable oil.
After 4 minutes, add the garlic and cook until fragrant, an additional 2 minutes.
Quarter tomatoes and remove the seeds. Cut tomatoes into a large dice and cook with the onions and garlic, simmering until most of the water has evaporated, about 20 minutes.
Create “zoodles” by twisting the zucchini in a spiralizer. Add the zoodles into the hot tomato sauce to warm. Serve sprinkled with cheese and with a piece of toasted Italian bread.

Recipe Adapted by Chef Key

Prepara Espagueti Italiano del Zoodle con Lala M

sirve 12


2 calabacínes medianes
3-4 tomates frescos
1 cebolla dulce
2 dientes de ajo
1 manojo pequeñe de albahaca
½ taza de mezcla de queso italiano o parmesano
1 hogaza de pan italiano crujiente
Sal y pimienta al gusto


Retire la cáscara de la cebolla dulce y cortar en dados medianos.
Retire la cáscara del ajo y pique o ralle finamente.
En una olla mediana, cocine la cebolla en una cucharada de oliva o cualquier aceite vegetal.
Después de 4 minutos, agregue el ajo y cocine hasta que esté fragante, otros 2 minutos.
Triture los tomates y quite las semillas. Corte los tomates en dados grandes y cocine con las cebollas y el ajo, hirviendo a fuego lento hasta que se haya evaporado la mayor parte del agua, aproximadamente 20 minutos. Crea "zoodles" girando el calabacín en un espiralizador. Agregue los zoodles a la salsa de tomate caliente para calentar.
Sirve espolvoreade con queso y con un pedazo de pan italiano tostado.

Receta adaptada por Chef Key

Make Vietnamese Spring Rolls with SonyaJoy

serves 12


1 package spring roll wrappers
1 package mai fun or other thin rice noodle
1 small bunch mint or basil
2 carrots
1 cucumber
2 tablespoons honey, maple syrup or sugar
1 teaspoon sea salt
¼ cup vinegar (apple cider or white)
¼ cup water


Peel carrots and cucumber if desired.
Spiralize vegetables by twisting veggie in a spiralizer.
In a medium bowl, mix vinegar, water, sweetener and salt. Toss spiralized veggies into the vinegar mixture. Allow to sit for at least 15 minutes or for best flavor as long as overnight.
Drop rice noodles into boiling water and remove from heat.
Allow to stand 3-4 minutes, then drain and rinse with cold water.
Wet the rice paper on both sides by smoothing a little warm water onto the surface with fingertips. Wait 20 seconds until it has become flexible. Place a small amount of rice noodle, vegetable and herbs on the side closest to you, roll toward the center, fold in the sides and roll all the way up.
Serve with soy sauce, chili sauce or lime juice for dipping!

Recipe Adapted by Chef Key

Prepara Rollitos Vietnamitas de Primavera con Lala M.

Rollitos Vietnamitas de Primavera
sirve 12


1 paquete de envoltorios de pasta de arroz
1 paquete de fideos de arroz delgados o mai fun noodles
1 manoje pequeñe de menta o albahaca
2 zanahorias
1 pepino
2 cucharadas de miel, jarabe de arce o azúcar
1 cucharadita de sal ¼ taza de vinagre (sidra de manzana o blanca )
¼ de taza de agua


Pele las zanahorias y el pepino si lo desea.
Espiralice las verduras girando las verduras en un espiralizador. En un tazón mediano, mezcle vinagre, agua, edulsante y sal. Mezcle las verduras en espiral en la mezcla de vinagre. Deje reposar durante al menos 15 minutos o para obtener el mejor sabor durante toda la noche.
Coloque los fideos de arroz en agua hirviendo y retírelos del fuego. Deje reposar de 3 a 4 minutos, luego drene y enjuague con agua fría.
Moje el papel de arroz por ambos lados alisando un poco de agua tibia sobre la superficie con la punta de los dedos. Espere 20 segundos hasta que se haya vuelto flexible. Coloque una pequeña cantidad de fideos de arroz, vegetales y hierbas en el lado más cercano a usted, gíreles hacia el centro, dóbleles por los lados y gíreles hacia arriba.
¡Sirve con salsa de soja, salsa de chile o jugo de lima para mojar!

Receta adaptada por Chef Key

Prepare Senegalese Summer Salad with SonyaJoy

serves 6-8


1 cup dry quinoa
3-4 sprigs fresh mint
3-4 sprigs fresh parsley
1 red onion
1 cucumber
1 small watermelon
1 lemon ⅛ cup oil (olive, grapeseed, vegetable, etc)
½ teaspoon salt


In a small pot with a lid, bring quinoa, 2 cups water and salt to a simmer. Cover and cook for 12-15 minutes until quinoa has absorbed all water and you can see the curl of the grain. Remove from heat and cool.
Grate or chop red onion.
Cut cucumber in half lengthwise and remove seeds with a spoon. Cut each piece in 4 long strips. Dice.
Cut melon in half. Remove about ½ inch of the rind on both ends, exposing the colorful melon. Place the flat surface of the melon on the cutting board, slice between the rind and fruit, removing just the rind. Dice the remaining fruit, removing seeds as you find them.
Cut lemon in half, juice by hand or a juicer.
Mix all ingredients together.

Recipe adapted by Chef Key

Prepara Ensalada de Verano Senegalese con Lala M.

sirve para 6-8


1 taza de quinua seca
3-4 ramitas de menta fresca
3-4 ramitas de perejil fresco
1 cebolla roja 1 pepino
1 melón pequeño
1 limón
⅛ taza de aceite (oliva, semilla de uva, vegetales, etc.)
½ cucharadita de sal


En una olla pequeña con tapa, lleve la quinua, 2 tazas de agua y sal a fuego lento. Cubra y cocine durante 12-15 minutos hasta que la quinua haya absorbido toda el agua y pueda ver el rizo del grano. Retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar.
Rallar o picar la cebolla roja.
Corte el pepino por la mitad a lo largo y retire las semillas con una cuchara.
Corta cada pieza en 4 tiras largas. Dado.
Cortar el melón por la mitad. Retire aproximadamente ½ pulgada de la corteza en ambos extremos, dejando al descubierto el colorido melón. Coloque la superficie plana del melón en la tabla de cortar, corte entre la cáscara y la fruta, eliminando solo la cáscara. Corte en dados la fruta restante, quitando las semillas a medida que las encuentre.
Corte el limón por la mitad, jugo a mano o un exprimidor. Mezcle todos los ingredientes juntos.

Receta adaptada por Chef Key

Make Fresh Tomato, Sweet Corn, & Black Bean Salsa with SonyaJoy

serves 8

3 medium tomatoes
2 ears fresh sweet corn
1 small bunch cilantro
1 garlic clove
1 lime
15oz can of black beans
bag of tortilla chips


Cut tomatoes in quarters and remove seeds with fingers.
Dice and place in a medium bowl.
Shuck corn by peeling the green husk away from the open end. Remove all fine silks. Wash corn, dry with a towel. Cut kernels off of cobs with an adult chef knife. Kids get assistance!
Grate or mince garlic.
Gently roll the lime under your palm with pressure to soften. Cut in half and juice by hand or with a juicer.
Roughly chop cilantro, including the stems.
Open can of beans. Pour contents into a colander and rinse.
Stir all ingredients together.
Season with salt immediately before serving.

Recipe Adapted by Chef Key

Prepara Salsa de Tomate Fresco, Maíz Dulce y Frijoles Negros con Lala

sirve 8


3 tomates medianos
2 mazorcas frescas de maíz dulce
1 racimo pequeño de cilantro 1 diente de ajo
1 limon verde
15 oz lata de frijoles negros
bolsa de chips de tortilla


Corte los tomates en cuartos y quite las semillas con los dedos. Corte en dados y coloca en un tazón mediano.
Pele el maíz con la cáscara verde lejos del extremo abierto.
Elimine todas las sedas finas. Lave el maíz, secale con una toalla. Corte los granos de las mazorcas con un cuchillo de cocinero adulto. ¡Los niños reciben ayuda!
Ralle o pique el ajo.
Pasa suavemente el limón verde debajo de la palma de la mano con presión para que se ablande.
Corte a la mitad y saque jugo a mano o con un exprimidor.
Pique el cilantro, incluidos los tallos.
Abre la lata de frijoles. Vierte el contenido en un colador y enjuague.
Revuelve todes les ingredientes juntes. Sazone con sal inmediatamente antes de servir.

Receta adaptada por Chef Key

Verdes Al Estilo Africano


para 4 personas


1 taza de leche de coco

4 tazas de verduras mixtas (col rizada, col regular, acelgas), sin tallos y picados

3 dientes de ajo, pelados y picados Trozo de jengibre de

2 pulgadas (del tamaño de un pulgar), pelado y picado

1 pimiento dulce de cualquier color, sin semillas y cortado en tiras de ¼ "


En una sartén grande, cocine a fuego lento el ajo y el jengibre en la leche de coco durante 5 minutos. Agregue las verduras picadas y revuelva. Cubra al vapor las verduras hasta que estén bien cocidas, unos 7-8 minutos. Agregue rodajas de pimienta y continúe cocinando durante 2 minutos. Añadir sal y pimienta al gusto.

Receta adaptada por Chef Key

African Style Greens

Week #3: Make African Style Greens

serves 4


1 cup coconut milk

4 cups mixed greens (kale, collards, chard), stems removed and chopped

3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced

2 inch (thumb-sized) piece of ginger, peeled and minced

1 sweet pepper any color, seeded and sliced into ¼” strips


In a large skillet, simmer garlic and ginger in coconut milk for 5 minutes. Add chopped greens and stir. Cover to steam the greens until cooked through, about 7-8 minutes. Add pepper slices, continuing to cook for 2 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Recipe Adapted by Chef Key